Life truly is as a river, flowing, streaming across the vast space of our being. But where it shall take us is not completely set.  If we swim hard even, we can battle even the greatest of torrents, the most powerful of currents.

It is in our spirit the river awaits. It is our will the river follows. Once we choose to go against the river our life truly begins. Once we find our way the river’s flow will guide us further.

It challenges us.  It builds us.  It makes us who we are.  When we’re ready, it takes us the rest of the way.

It may seem the same, our journey’s end.  But the journey itself alters every perception, bringing different acceptance, new content, drifting from what we thought we knew to nothing we’ve ever known at all.

Continuum.  Always appearing the same.  But never the same at all.


Original X: Bach

About B

Hey everyone. If you wanna know, I reside in the place of sun, silicon and superficiality. Ahhhh, my home sweet I love the! Sarcasm you smell??? Well...perhaps just a bit. But, truthfully, the West is where my heart is. The world itself is a wonderful place if you let it be. That's why I like to say I give my heart to the West, and my soul to the world. Call it what you will. Living to be the best person I can be is my goal in this life. That doesn't necessarily mean being the best though. It's my belief if you do your utmost personal best, giving whatever you go for your without-a-doubt all, and make smart decisions along the way, awesome things can happen and you'll achieve what you set out to do. There can be no excuses. There can be no giving up. You must use your opportunities and develop the natural abilities you've been blessed with. And, in the end, if you stay focused, you will find your happiness. Competitiveness is great. It drives us. But we can't let it cloud our vision, dirty our good nature. Eh, take it for what you will. This is just what I've come to live by through personal experience. We are all different. Find what works for you. All in all, I hope I can provoke some sort of thought through my work, as well as provide some sort of emotion. Not every person will like it, nor will every person appreciate it. But I'm okay with that. No ego or pride here....well, okay, as little as possible at least. :) Through my art, I give my all to the world. And that's the best I can do. Thanks for your time.