Just Blabbin’ tha Thoughts

Trippin’? More like sippin’, occasionally dippin’ to tha big in tha sky, feelin’ as though my life is occasionally high.  Riiiiiight.  Truth be told, I don’t even remember what demons my past unfolds.   In the end all that matters is my spectacle glows.  But let it be, let it be, so say he.  When in question was it ever a consequence of WE?  Are you entertained?!!!  Are you entertained?!!!  Maaaan, demands makin’ my mind’s left brain dramatically drained.  Who’s to spit, that you can’t be what you yourself wish?  Excuse me while I have my cake and eat my dish. Wasting space on these thoughts is a case Ashanti’s foolish.  Don’t take the time.  Move forward and put tha ish on a funkin’ grocery list.  Save ’em for later.  Like, “Peaces.” Pieces come together to make a whole.  Not always the rough ridges of Reese’s.  Take a bite and you’ll get that smooth PB center as all the rest deceases.


Original X: Bach