Love Not Denied

Congrats to all those brothers and sisters who have been denied a basic human right for so long.  Some may not consider this a “right”.  There are many texts and opinions that would argue its position.  But let us see it from the eyes of our hearts.  The eyes of our hearts, no matter who you are, desire unity and love, to find a connection, a bond.  No person should be denied to share in what a bond can bring to one’s life…happiness, purpose, trust, LOVE.

So, let us all honor this decision by the Supreme Court, for it is not about your personal lifestyle or feelings towards whichever sex you love.  There is no choice in this, meaning love.
We are drawn to it.  It rattles our spirits and possesses our souls.  Every human feels it.  Every human needs it.

No, it is about the equal right to love and all that comes with that.

You may choose to not celebrate.  But please do not hold hate in your hearts.  It will only weigh you down friends.  Rather, give thanks to the love you possess and may it continue to shed light upon your lives, for you are quite lucky to have such!

