Touching the Sky


Above the horizons we all know,

Above the formations of mist and glow,

Striding amongst nuclear aura and forgotten souls,

It is in the end we cannot loll.

But is not the end when we can rest,

To put aside pain and stress,

Wishing not for more of these days,

Instead of unending space,

Our new sun the light of cosmic rays?

Tears will come.

And they will dry.

But always laid in time the spirit will shine.

All are connected within matter’s rhyme.

To let go….

The ultimate test of one’s might.

To trust….

The belief far beyond one’s sight.

To forgive….

The final key,

Glory conceived,

Riddles solved.

Now to love….

Above it all.

Above it all.

Kind drops of easy water tap at your door.

They reflect all.

But you can see through them,

As the rain continues to pour.

If left too long they will reside.

If left too long the dust abides.

Will you let them in?

Will you make akin,

All that you fear for the sake of all that you may win?

It is there,

And long has it been.

But much longer than the memories of men.


– B

Original X:  Bach



Productive Social Media Sites

With so many different avenues for social opportunity on the net, it’s hard sometimes not to get caught up in the hype of various sites.  I recommend choosing the ones most beneficial to your cause.  Example: If you’re in it for the job market, #LinkedIn is a good bet.  #Facebook has become a good outlet for businesses (and everything else it seems 🙂 ).  #Twitter is great for just reaching out.  Other useful sites are #Tumblr for media showcasing, #MySpace for bands & filmmakers and #SoundCloud for getting your music heard.


– B