3rd Star to the Left

Ain’t no stoppin’ what can’t be stopped.

Ain’t no rushin’ what comes despite the props.

Stars fade and oceans cease.

But they were here.

So says what they leave.

Maybe if it’s pushed,

Maybe if it’s never quit,

Maybe if it’s faced with that single something more than it,

Forcing itself to allow what it would never before admit,

So it may be embedded in the streams amongst the eternal drifts.

Inside it rests, and inside it shall stay.

Only to release what calls from inside,

Such is the way.

No reasons left to ponder or worry,

Feel the pain that’s held back the truth all along,

Engulfing all the good and promise with fury.

There it is,

Without judgment,

Without hurry.

Without the faults constantly aligned with the gateways to purgatory.

Finding itself glowing as it rides the cool breezes far beyond clouds,

So, celestially.

Writing its story with the grace of its being,

Leaving behind the tale of its powerful heart

Powerfully beating.



Original X: Bach